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I've got a new home!

My name is Jones and I have a new family who love me.

From the previous chapter of my story...

Hello everyone. My name is Jones and I'm the kitty that broke Chris the Friends of Felines' Webmanager. Let me tell you my story... 

I'm a 1-2 year old (not exactly sure - I lost count ages ago) ginger fella who, along with my sister, was turfed out into a garden after our loving owner died. Some lovely people were helping us survive by feeding us and despite our traumatic change in circumstances we were still very friendly cats. However, living in a garden obviously couldn't go on forever, so they phoned round all the rescues to try to find us a space...but everywhere was full to bursting. Luckily, after several weeks, Friends of Felines agreed to take us, despite not really having space. Unfortunately, by that time my sister has disappeared, so I was trapped on my own. My sister is still out there somewhere and people are trying to find her to rescue her, but at least I'm safe now.

Remember how they didn't really have space though? Well, that was no exaggeration. There was no room at the shelter. Literally none. So I spent my first few nights in a downstairs loo in the main house. And I was just done.

When Chris came to take my photos, I was sitting by the toilet with my head buried in the corner. Not hissing. Not spitting. Not moving. Not purring. Not eating.

Not doing anything.

Chris managed to get me to lift my head up enough to get a few shots but that took 20 minutes of gentle pets and him telling me it’ll all be ok. Not sure who he was trying to convince most if I’m honest. I don't think he could bear the thought of him spending my days and nights in a toilet. He put out an emotional special appeal on the Facebook page and lots of wonderful people offered me at least a temporary home, so that gave me hope that I might some day be able to live in a house with a family again. Oh, and after a few days a pen did become vacant in the main shelter, so at least I'm not in a loo any more. I'm still longing for a home though, preferably with my sister if she can be found.

Would you consider me as your forever buddy? My world has crumbled, I'm still very lost in it, but I'm getting better every day.

Thank you.

Update - I'm in a foster home!!!! 😻😻😻

I can't believe so many people wanted to help me. Thank you - you are all lovely people.

I've got a new home!

My name is Jones and I have a new family who love me.

From the previous chapter of my story...

Hello everyone. My name is Jones and I'm the kitty that broke Chris the Friends of Felines' Webmanager. Let me tell you my story... 

I'm a 1-2 year old (not exactly sure - I lost count ages ago) ginger fella who, along with my sister, was turfed out into a garden after our loving owner died. Some lovely people were helping us survive by feeding us and despite our traumatic change in circumstances we were still very friendly cats. However, living in a garden obviously couldn't go on forever, so they phoned round all the rescues to try to find us a space...but everywhere was full to bursting. Luckily, after several weeks, Friends of Felines agreed to take us, despite not really having space. Unfortunately, by that time my sister has disappeared, so I was trapped on my own. My sister is still out there somewhere and people are trying to find her to rescue her, but at least I'm safe now.

Remember how they didn't really have space though? Well, that was no exaggeration. There was no room at the shelter. Literally none. So I spent my first few nights in a downstairs loo in the main house. And I was just done.

When Chris came to take my photos, I was sitting by the toilet with my head buried in the corner. Not hissing. Not spitting. Not moving. Not purring. Not eating.

Not doing anything.

Chris managed to get me to lift my head up enough to get a few shots but that took 20 minutes of gentle pets and him telling me it’ll all be ok. Not sure who he was trying to convince most if I’m honest. I don't think he could bear the thought of him spending my days and nights in a toilet. He put out an emotional special appeal on the Facebook page and lots of wonderful people offered me at least a temporary home, so that gave me hope that I might some day be able to live in a house with a family again. Oh, and after a few days a pen did become vacant in the main shelter, so at least I'm not in a loo any more. I'm still longing for a home though, preferably with my sister if she can be found.

Would you consider me as your forever buddy? My world has crumbled, I'm still very lost in it, but I'm getting better every day.

Thank you.

Update - I'm in a foster home!!!! 😻😻😻

I can't believe so many people wanted to help me. Thank you - you are all lovely people.

I got another chance!

Not every cat is so lucky.

Could you be another cat's forever human?

If you think you might be able to offer a cat a forever home, please fill out the adoption form and one of the Friends of Felines team will get back to you as soon as possible.

Thank you so much,

Lots of love and nose boops,
