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Help our rescue centre

Help our rescue centre

Please help us to help more cats in need.

The Project...

Our rescue centre needs help!

Friends of Felines are firmly committed to placing as many of our rescues in homes, as this is results in the minimum amount of stress on animals who have sometimes just had their world turned upside-down. However, for a multitude of reasons this just isn't always possible, and some have to stay at the rescue centre.

  • Sick animals may need to stay for treatment and recovery before they can go to foster.
  • Cats may have to be removed from a potentially dangerous or simply untenable environment at extremely short notice. 
  • Some animals are long-term residents due to chronic health or behavioural issues. 
  • There may simply be no foster places available. (Please consider becoming a foster carer - you only need one spare room.

To help us help as many animals as possible however, the rescue centre itself needs some help. Whilst it is serving a purpose, there are several issues that are now making the day-to-day running of the shelter increasingly problematic. Unfortunately, getting the place to where we'd like it isn't going to be cheap.

We had a local builder cost it all out, and we're looking at somewhere around £7000 for everything we need. Yikes! So, we're adopting the "how to eat an elephant" approach...finish one bit at a time. 

We've broken the work down into individual priorities and are aiming to get each completed as funding allows, starting with the most pressing issue of creating a useable utility area with hot water, and working down towards the "nice to haves" such as a dishwasher.

To help keep track of where we are with hitting our goal, we've taken the decision to use, as this will allow us to release funds as we go along, rather than having to wait to hit the overall funding goal. Obviously, there are fees with using any service and we hate to give away money, but we feel that the benefits of ring-fencing the project's funds outweighs the "cost of doing business" with them. 

There are several things you might be able to donate to the cause;

  • Money - any donation you are able to afford would, as ever, be hugely appreciated.
  • Skills - are you a plumber, electrician, carpenter, kitchen fitter or general handy-person who would be willing to volunteer your time and skills?
  • Physical Items - would your company who would be willing to donate an item we need, e.g. industrial sinks, kitchen fittings, fitted cupboards? 

Anything you can do to help us make the centre a better environment for our cats and the volunteers who care for them would be simply amazing!

Thank you - you are all lovely people. 

Our target

High Priority

Essential items required as soon as possible before any other work.

Medium Priority

Essential Items required as soon as funds allow, but only after High Priority items are complete.

Low Priority

Non-essential items that would be really nice to have if funds allow, but only after all High and Medium Priority items are complete.

Could you be a cat's forever human?

If you think you might be able to offer a cat their forever home, please fill out the adoption form and one of the team will get back to you as soon as possible.

Thank you so much,

The Friends of Felines Team