For Foster Parents
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Dear Foster Parent
I’m Chris, the webmanager for Friends of Felines.
Firstly, thank you so much for looking after your new furry overlord(s).
I hope your time in service is going well for all concerned.
Secondly, in order to make the best possible online dating profile for your new boss(es), I’d really appreciate it if you could send me as many photos or videos as you have the time or opportunity to take. I usually only have one or two initial photos to work with, and they don’t always show a cat off in its best light, especially if they weren’t in a great place physically or emotionally when they were taken. Also, please do let me know any new information about their personality that you notice during your time serving them - basically, anything you think would help them get more “swipe rights”.
You don’t have to crop or edit your photos, or get particularly creative with your profile updates, as I’m happy to do all that for you. If you send your photos, videos or updates to me directly, I’ll do the rest. If at all possible, please could you send the original, highest resolution photos you have, as mobile phones are often set to send minimum resolution shots to save data.
My Friends of Felines email address is:
As emails are limited in size, if do you happen to have videos or a lot of photos, I’d recommend using a service like WeTransfer.com, as you can send up to 2Gb of files for free. You upload your files to their site, and they send me a link to download them. It’s far easier than sending multiple emails!
Thank you very much, and happy cat-butling.
Chris Rowe
Webmanager, Friends of Felines
Thank you so much for looking after your new furry overlord(s)
Could you be a cat's forever human?
If you think you might be able to offer a cat their forever home, please fill out the adoption form and one of the team will get back to you as soon as possible.
Thank you so much,
The Friends of Felines Team