Friends of Felines

Cat Fostering & Adoption

Every cat deserves their best life

Help us to help them

Perfectly placed moggies

Friends of Felines

Cat Fostering & Adoption

Every cat deserves their best life

Help us to help them

Perfectly placed moggies
Friends of Felines started as a small band of volunteers with a passion for cats. We have since grown into a cat rescue group serving the whole of East Anglia.
We are a not for profit organisation and all donations go towards caring for the cats and kittens in need of our support. This includes, but is not limited to, our vet bills, food and litter. Your donation makes a difference and we couldn’t do what we do without your support.
Every single penny is appreciated.
We are desperate for foster carers!
With the current economic conditions resulting in record numbers of cats needing urgent foster care, now more than ever we are struggling to find enough foster placements.
All you need is at least one room that is completely secure where the cat can have its own space. We would provide all food and litter, and cover any vet bills etc for the time the cat is with you.
Please contact Alice on
Current Team Rosters
See which of the teams have current members...
Could you be a cat's forever human?
If you think you might be able to offer a cat their forever home, please fill out the adoption form and one of the team will get back to you as soon as possible.
Thank you so much,
The Friends of Felines Team